Overbite Correction
Notice how the upper molar in the top photo is well forward of the lower molar. This is called Class II. The lower photo shows the same patient with a corrected molar (Class I). Correcting the molar is necessary to get the right overbite of the front teeth. Getting from Class II to Class I requires:
1) Pushing the upper back while at the same time pushing the lower forward. This is done with a wide variety of appliances.
2) Pushing the upper back. This is done with either headgears, molar distalization, or “temporary anchor devices”.
In school we were taught that #1 above stimulated the lower jaw to grow. Today we know that this is not true. Current research shows that #1 above actually displaces the whole lower jaw forward which means the jaw joint is out of alignment. I used #1 in the first part of my career and have had patients come back many years after braces with jaw joint problems (TMJ) and/or headaches.
The above patient was treated by pushing the uppers back with temporary anchor devices. The jaw joint is correctly aligned. Give us a call anytime and we would be happy to give you more information about how we use “temporary anchor devices” or how we use “molar distalization” for overbite correction. Or just google these terms.
“Temporary anchor devices” are an exciting new development in orthodontics. I have used them over a thousand times for a wide variety of problems.
Robert L. Nisson, DDS MSD
Diplomate of the American Board of Orthodontics